Gurupoornima Celebration 2024

“A life without a true Guru is like walking blindfolded on a bumpy road.” This ancient wisdom highlights the significance of a Guru in our lives. Our Guru guides us, imparts valuable knowledge, and helps us navigate life’s challenges, just as Krishna, the ultimate Guru, helped Arjuna overcome his struggles and find the right path.

On July 20, 2024, we celebrated Gurupoornima, a day dedicated to expressing our heartfelt gratitude and admiration for our selfless Guru, Amma, the embodiment of love and compassion. The celebration began with students chanting Archana and reciting bhajans, followed by arathi and seeking blessings from our Guru. Sweets were distributed among the gathering, symbolizing the sweetness of spiritual guidance.

A thought-provoking Satsang was delivered, highlighting the role, influence, and importance of a Guru in our lives. The event reminded us of the significance of seeking guidance from our Guru and following the path of righteousness.

We are grateful for the guidance and love of our Guru, Amma, and reaffirm our commitment to walking the spiritual path shown by Her.